
Optical fiber sensors

Project Code: RP24Phy05

Optical sensors found to have many advantages over other conventional sensors. Among these, fiber optic sensors also called as optical fiber sensors use optical fiber and sensing elements to sense physical quantities like temperature, pressure, vibrations, displacements, rotations or concentration of chemical species. Fibers have so many uses in the field of remote sensing because they require no electrical power at the remote location and they have tiny size. Fiber optic sensors are supreme for insensitive conditions, including noise, high vibration, and hot, wet and unstable environments. These sensors can easily fit in small areas and can be positioned correctly wherever flexible fibers are needed. In our studies we use a new class of optical fiber called photonic crystal fiber for sensing application. In this work we design the fiber at first with desired geometry and material. Then we study the optical properties of the designed fiber for sensing application. The participant will get a clear idea about optical fibers working, characteristics and sensing mechanism along with achievement of skill required to design optical fiber and calculate different fiber properties like confinement loss, dispersion, nonlinearity coefficient etc.

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Perfectly reflecting surfaces

Project Code: RP24Phy04

A layer of dielectric materials deposited as a film can reflect up to 99.999% of light incident on it for a range of wavelengths. The range can be controlled by designing layer of materials with various thickness and size.
The aim of this project is to optimize and design the all dielectric metasurfaces for achieving perfect reflection at visible wavelengths.

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Analytical and numerical study of nonlinear pulse propagation in optical medium

The concept of soliton has gained attention in telecommunication technology and its dynamics in optical fibers and other nonlinear media has been extensively studied during the past few decades. The presence of such nonlinear waves has been studied analytically as well as numerically in nonlinear optics, plasma physics, fluid dynamics, nuclear physics, and biochemical systems, to name a few. However, there is still an extensive margin for improvement in the field of telecommunication. Advanced research in this area is highly preferable in current nonlinear physics. The nonlinear Schrödinger equation model (NLSE) is one of the most important and “universal” nonlinear models of modern science. At the low intensities of the optical field, the non-resonant nonlinearity in materials of practical interest resembles Kerr nonlinearity. However, as the incident field becomes stronger, optical fields whose frequencies approach a resonant frequency of the material, non-Kerr higher order nonlinearity comes into play, which essentially changes NLSE, and hence the physical features and the stability of optical soliton propagation. Here we study the propagation of highly intense laser beams in nonlinear optical media such as optical fiber, metamaterials, and fiber couplers. We will analyze the existence of exotic nonlinear phenomena such as modulation instability, supercontinuum generation, solitons, filamentation, and spatiotemporal light bullets. We adopt linear stability analysis, Lagrangian variational analysis, and numerical method based on the crank-Nicholson Scheme for our theoretical investigation. We explore the parametric region in which the above-mentioned nonlinear phenomenon can be observed and examine the critical conditions regarding system parameters.

Keywords: Numerical Study; Non-linear

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